About the CEBC
Catalysis plays a role in the manufacture of 90% of all commercial products. Many of the processes in use today rely on technologies that consume a lot of energy and generate waste and greenhouse emissions. Additionally most of these products are neither biodegradable nor easily recyclable. Innovations are needed to help the industry develop new catalysts and process technologies to conserve energy, and transition to a non-fossil based chemical industry.
Significant advances are being made to develop technologies that promote decarbonization, circularity and sustainability in the chemical industry. Specific examples include electrochemical CO2 conversion, selective alkane activation, lignocellulose valorization and chemical upcycling of plastics.
These projects involve collaborations between chemists, engineers, data scientists and public policy experts. This breadth of expertise ensures that enabling tools such as catalysis (including electro, bio and photocatalysis), tunable/benign media, artificial intelligence, computation and advanced instrumentation are effectively harnessed to create new knowledge and facilitate innovations.
Our Purpose
The CEBC works to develop cleaner, safer, energy-efficient technologies that protect the planet and human health. We also seek to enhance education through fostering a sense of belonging. We listen to stakeholders. We promote prosperity in Kansas and beyond.
We Partner with Industry
We partner with industry to identify priority research projects and commercialize discoveries. Learn how CEBC member companies partner with us to access our faculty experts, enterprising trainees, state-of-the art facilities, and growing intellectual property portfolio.

Our History
The CEBC was founded at the University of Kansas in 2003 led by the vision two professors: a trailblazing chemical engineer named Bala Subramaniam and an esteemed chemist named Daryle Busch.
Despite their very different backgrounds, our founders knew that there was power in joining forces. Collaboration is crucial for solving society’s most urgent challenges, from curbing pollutants to conserving precious resources and halting climate change.
Subramaniam and Busch cultivated a multidisciplinary team, with researchers at the University of Kansas, the University of Iowa, Washington University in St. Louis, and Prairie View A&M University. CEBC was formally launched with a grant from the prestigious National Science Foundation Engineering Research Centers (NSF-ERC) program.
That initial investment from the ERC program has enabled CEBC to flourish as a self-sustaining center. The culture of collaboration, the commitment by our industry partners, and the steadfast support from the KU administration has resulted in more than $60 Million in external R&D funding.
That same pioneering spirit lives on today as we continue to serve the state and the nation. As we train the next generation of scientists and engineers and collaborate with leading chemical and energy companies, it is clear that our mission is even more relevant today than when we started.