Alan M. Allgeier

Alan Allgeier
  • Professor
  • Deputy Director, Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis (CEBC)

Contact Info

Office Phone:
Department Phone:
Learned Hall, room #4148B


Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University, 1992, Cleveland, OH
Inorganic Chemistry, Northwestern University, 1997, Evanston, IL


Research in sustainable catalysis and manufacturing seeks to reduce the impact of chemical manufacturing on environment and society, while delivering advanced technologies and products. Dr. Allgeier seeks to promote sustainable catalysis and manufacturing by understanding fundamental reactions of catalytic species and developing novel characterization methods of fluids in contact with porous media.

Three themes are under current investigation:
Characterization of porous materials and colloidal systems with a multi-technique approach including novel applications of NMR relaxometry
Continuous flow processing applied to pharmaceuticals, with emphasis on transient production of toxic or highly reactive reagents
Synthesis and characterization of heterogeneous catalysts with unique reactivity


CPE 715: Characterization of Solid Materials
CPE 611: Unit Operations Design
CPE 626: Unit Operations Laboratory

Selected Publications

Wang, N.; Allgeier, A. M.; Weatherley, L. R. Controlling Reaction Rate of Phase Transfer Hydrogenation of Acetophenone by Application of Low External Electric Field. AICHE JOURNAL2021, 67 (1).
Stephens, K. J.; Allgeier, A. M. A Mechanistic Study of Polyol Hydrodeoxygenation over a Bifunctional Pt-WOx/TiO2 Catalyst. ACS Catalysis2020, 10 (21), 12996–13007.
Suekuni, M. T.; Myers, T. R.; McNeil, M. C.; Prisco, A. J.; Shelburne, S. S.; Shepperson, W. A.; Allgeier, A. M. Surface Area Determination of Kevlar Particles in Suspensions Containing Iron Impurities Using Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry. Langmuir2020, 2 (6), 2134–2141.
Anand, A.; Gnanasekaran, P.; Allgeier, A. M.; Weatherley, L. R. Study and Deployment of Methacrylate-Based Polymer Resins for Immobilized Lipase Catalyzed Triglyceride Hydrolysis. FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING2020, 123, 164–176.
Wang, N.; Kaminski, K.; Petera, J.; Allgeier, A. M.; Weatherley, L. R. Electrostatically Enhanced Catalytic Phase Transfer Hydrogenation of Acetophenone under Low External Electric Field. Chemical Engineering Journal2019, 374, 1096–1101.
Caille, S.; Allgeier, A. M.; Walker, S. D. Development of a Factory Process for Omecamtiv Mecarbil, a Novel Cardiac Myosin Activator. Organic Process Research and Development2019, 23 (8), 1558–1567.
Allgeier, A. M.; Sengupta, S. K. Nitrile Hydrogenation. In Hydrogenation: Catalysts and Processes; Jackson, S. D., Ed.; DeGruyter: Berlin, 2018.
Lasio, J.; Allgeier, A. M.; Chan, C. D.; Londono, J. D.; Najafi, E.; Woerner, F. J. Control of Mechanical Stability of Hollow Silica Particles, and Its Measurement by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry. LANGMUIR2017, 33 (19), 4666–4674.

Selected Presentations

Allgeier, A. M., & Stephens, K. J. (11/14/2019). Hydrodeoxygenation over PtWOx Catalysts: Isotopic Labeling. AIChE Fall 2019. Orlando, FL
Allgeier, A. M. (5/7/2018). Control of Mechanical Stability of Hollow Silica Particles, and Its Measurement by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry. Characterization of Porous Materials - 8. Delray Beach, FL
Allgeier, A. M. (10/19/2017). Catalysis for sustainable chemistry: Process development and catalyst characterization. ACS Mid-West Regional Meeting. Lawrence, KS
Allgeier, A. M. (5/31/2015). Applications of Low-Field Time Domain NMR to Surface and Particle Science. NIST Discussion Forum: "Characterization and Application of Nanoporous Materials: Bridging from Fundamentals to Practice Part II – Bringing together Academia, Industry and National Laboratories". Delray Beach, FL
Allgeier, A. M., & Stephens, K. J. (9/25/2020). Hydrodeoxygenation with PtWOx Catalysts: Mechanistic insight from isotopic labeling. ACS Chemists Live Virtual Event

Awards & Honors

Russell Malz Award for Service to Catalysis
Organic Reactions Catalysis Society

Grants & Other Funded Activity

Relating Nuclear Magnetization Relaxation Rates to Surface Chemistry of Carbonaceous Materials to Advance the Characterization of Petroleum Deposits.. 61103-ND10. American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund. $110000.00. Submitted 3/14/2019 (9/1/2020 - 8/31/2022). We seek to prepare model materials and develop advanced characterization methods for kerogen a substance found in shale oil deposits and key to unlocking the potential of this energy resource.. Status: Funded
Design Principles for Gas-Liquid Catalyzed Reactions for the Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals. KU Center for Research. $20000.00. Submitted 8/2/2019 (11/22/2019 - 11/22/2021). We seek to develop a proposal to the NSF for catalysts and reactors that will improve pharmaceutical manufacture particularly for the class of reactions that require gases reacting with materials in liquid phase.. Status: Funded
Gas Separation using Furan-based Polymer Membranes. RAPID Institute of the US Department of Energy. $384927.00. (11/1/2020). Federal. Status: Funded
Unlocking the Potential of Chemical Derivatives in Ethanol Production. 2013. Kansas Corn Commission. $40736.00. Submitted 11/1/2018 (7/1/2019). Status: Funded