Susan Michelle Williams (Stagg-Williams)

- Faculty Athletics Representative
- Charles E. & Mary Jane Spahr Professor and Chair
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Contact Info
Learned Hall, room #4132G
Personal Links
Biography —
Susan M. Stagg-Williams is the Charles E. & Mary Jane Spahr Professor and Chair of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Kansas (KU). Dr. Stagg-Williams joined KU as an Assistant Professor in August of 1999. She received her B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan in 1994 and her Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 1999. She has served as KU’s Faculty Athletics Representative since January, 2013.
Dr. Stagg-Williams has an active research program specializing in production, characterization, and testing of alternative fuels. Current efforts focus on the conversion of biomass to higher value products. Dr. Stagg-Williams collaborates with faculty in environmental engineering to look at nutrient recovery from wet waste. She is also interested in correlating feedstock composition to fuel properties, and collaborates with faculty in mechanical engineering to predict thermochemical properties of biofuels as well as engine performance. Dr. Stagg-Williams is the co-originator and director of the KU Biodiesel Initiative which converts used cooking oil from the campus dining services into high quality transportation fuel.
Dr. Stagg-Williams’ is passionate about teaching and has led an effort in the School of Engineering to increase active learning in the classroom to improve student learning and retention. She has served as a Faculty Fellow for the Center for Teaching Excellence and continues to work with faculty across campus on course redesign and the use of technology to enhance learning.
Dr. Stagg-Williams has received awards for teaching, research, and service. She held the John E. and Winifred E. Sharp Teaching Professorship from 2014-2017 and was awarded the Del Shankel Teaching Excellence Award in 2019. She has been named the Mortar Board Outstanding Educator, a KU Bellows scholar and received a WiSTEMM Educator Award and Gould Award for Distinguished Service in Undergraduate Advising. For her efforts with the KU Biodiesel Initiative and the Kansas Biodiesel Consortium she has been honored with the Agent of Change Award, Presented to the Kansas Biodiesel Consortium by the Metropolitan Energy Center and Kansas City Regional and Central Kansas Clean Cities Coalition and the Steeples Service to Kansans Award.
Dr. Stagg-Williams has an active research program specializing in production, characterization, and testing of alternative fuels. Current efforts focus on the conversion of biomass to higher value products. Dr. Stagg-Williams collaborates with faculty in environmental engineering to look at nutrient recovery from wet waste. She is also interested in correlating feedstock composition to fuel properties, and collaborates with faculty in mechanical engineering to predict thermochemical properties of biofuels as well as engine performance. Dr. Stagg-Williams is the co-originator and director of the KU Biodiesel Initiative which converts used cooking oil from the campus dining services into high quality transportation fuel.
Dr. Stagg-Williams’ is passionate about teaching and has led an effort in the School of Engineering to increase active learning in the classroom to improve student learning and retention. She has served as a Faculty Fellow for the Center for Teaching Excellence and continues to work with faculty across campus on course redesign and the use of technology to enhance learning.
Dr. Stagg-Williams has received awards for teaching, research, and service. She held the John E. and Winifred E. Sharp Teaching Professorship from 2014-2017 and was awarded the Del Shankel Teaching Excellence Award in 2019. She has been named the Mortar Board Outstanding Educator, a KU Bellows scholar and received a WiSTEMM Educator Award and Gould Award for Distinguished Service in Undergraduate Advising. For her efforts with the KU Biodiesel Initiative and the Kansas Biodiesel Consortium she has been honored with the Agent of Change Award, Presented to the Kansas Biodiesel Consortium by the Metropolitan Energy Center and Kansas City Regional and Central Kansas Clean Cities Coalition and the Steeples Service to Kansans Award.
Education —
Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1994, Ann Arbor, MI
Chemical Engineering, University of Oklahoma, 1999, Norman, OK
Research —
Research interests:
- biofuels
- hydrothermal liquefaction
- biomass conversion
- bioidiesel
- reaction engineering
- catalysis
Selected Publications —
Hable, Robert D, Sirwan Alimoradi, Belinda SM Sturm, and Susan M Stagg-Williams. “Simultaneous Solid and Biocrude Product Transformations from the Hydrothermal Treatment of High PH-Induced Flocculated Algae at Varying Ca Concentrations.” Journal Articles. Algal Research 40 (2019): 101501.
Pickett, Derek, Christopher Depcik, and Susan Stagg-Williams. “Use of the Glycerin By-Product from Biodiesel Production for Power Generation.” Journal Articles. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140(10) (2018).
Fortier, Marie-Odile P., Griffin W. Roberts, Susan M. Stagg-Williams, and Belinda Sturm. “Determination of the Life Cycle Climate Change Impacts of Land Use and Albedo Change in Algal Biofuel Production.” Journal Articles. Algal Research 28 (2017): 270–81.
Wentworth, Travis, Sudarshan Loya, Christopher Depcik, and Susan Stagg-Williams. “Experimental, Detailed, and Global Kinetic Reaction Model for NO Oxidation over Platinum/Alumina Catalysts.” Journal Articles. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 117, no. 1 (2016): 15–34.
Mangus, Michael, Farshid Kiani, Jonathan Mattson, Daniel Tabakh, James Petka, Christopher Depcik, Edward Peltier, and Susan Stagg-Williams. “Investigating the Compression Ignition Combustion of Multiple Biodiesel/ULSD (Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel) Blends via Common-Rail Injection.” Journal Articles. Energ 89 (June 5, 2015): 932–945.
Roberts, Griffin W, Belinda S.M. Sturm, Umar Hamdeh, Gabriel E Stanton, Alejandra Rocha, Tiffany L Kinsella, Marie-Odile P Fortier, Shayan Sazdar, Michael S Detamore, and Susan M Stagg-Williams. “Promoting Catalysis and High-Value Product Streams by in Situ Hydroxyapatite Crystallization during Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Microalgae Cultivated with Reclaimed Nutrients.” Journal Articles. Green Chemistry 17, no. 4 (February 20, 2015): 2560–69.
Sturm, Belinda, Emily Cook, Griffin Roberts, Robert Hable, and Susan Stagg-Williams. Hydroxyapatite Crystallization and Biocrude Oil Production from Wastewater-Cultivated Algae. Conference Proceedings. Water and Environment Federation: Opportunities for Energy and Resource Recovery in the Changing World. Washington, D.C, 2015.
Depcik, Christopher, Joshua Jachuck, Dylan Jantz, Farshid Kiani, Michael Mangus, Jonathan Mattson, Edward Peltier, and Susan M Stagg-Williams. “Influence of Fuel Injection System and Engine-Timing Adjustments on Regulated Emissions from Four Biodiesel Fuels.” Journal Articles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, no. 2503 (2015): 20–28.
Yun, Jin-Ho, Val H Smith, Frank J deNoyelles, Griffin W Roberts, and Susan M Stagg-Williams. “Freshwater Macroalgae as a Biofuels Feedstock: Mini-Review and Assessment of Their Bioenergy Potential.” Journal Articles. Industrial Biotechnology 10, no. 3 (May 1, 2014): 212–220.
Fortier, Marie-Odile P., Griffin W. Roberts, Susan M. Stagg-Williams, and Belinda Sturm. “Life Cycle Assessment of Bio-Jet Fuel from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Microalgae.” Journal Articles. Applied Energy 122 (May 1, 2014): 73–82.
Mahoney, Elizabeth G., Julia M. Pusel, Susan M. Stagg-Williams, and Sepideh Faraji. “The Effects of Pt Addition to Supported Ni Catalysts on Dry (CO2) Reforming of Methane to Syngas.” Journal Articles. Journal of CO2 Utilization 6 (May 30, 2014): 40–44.
Mangus, Michael Dewaine, Farshid Kiani, Jonathan Mattson, Christopher D Depcik, Edward Peltier, and Susan M Stagg-Williams. “Comparison of Neat Biodiesels and ULSD in an Optimized Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine with Electronically-Controlled Fuel Injection.” Journal Articles. Energy & Fuels 28, no. 6 (28, 2014): 3849–62.
Zbinden, M D, B S Sturm, R D Nord, W J Carey, D Moore, H Shinogle, and S M Stagg-Williams. “Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as an Intensification Pretreatment for Greener Solvent Lipid Extraction from Microalgae.” Journal Articles. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 110, no. 6 (May 1, 2013): 1605–15.
Depcik, Christopher, Sudarshan Loya, Anand Srinivasan, Travis Wentworth, and Susan Stagg-Williams. “Adaptive Global Carbon Monoxide Kinetic Mechanism over Platinum/Alumina Catalysts.” Journal Articles. Catalysts 3, no. 2 (2013): 517–42.
Roberts, Griffin W., Marie-Odile P. Fortier, Belinda S. M. Sturm, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Promising Pathway for Algal Biofuels Through Wastewater Cultivation and Hydrothermal Conversion.” Journal Articles. Energy and Fuels 27, no. 2 (2013): 857–867.
Zhao, Lina, Zheyan Qiu, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Transesterification of Canola Oil Catalyzed by Nanopowder Calcium Oxide.” Journal Articles. Fuel Processing Technology 114 (2013): 154–62.
Cecrle, E., C. Depcik, A. Duncan, J. Guo, M. Mangus, E. Peltier, S. Stagg-Williams, and Y. Zhong. “An Investigation of the Effects of Biodiesel Feedstock on the Performance and Emissions of a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine.” Journal Articles. Energy Fuels 26, no. 4 (2012): 2331–2341.
Duncan, Andrew M., Noorbahiyah Pavlicek, Christopher D. Depcik, Aaron M. Scurto, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “High-Pressure Viscosity of Soybean Oil-Based Biodiesel Blends with Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel.” Journal Articles. Energy and Fuels 26, no. 11 (2012): 7023–36.
Guo, Jing, Edward Peltier, Ray E. Carter, Alex J. Krejci, Susan M. Stagg-Williams, and Christopher Depcik. “Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Use in Two Off-Road Diesel Engines.” Journal Articles. ISRN Renewable Energy 2012, Article ID 130782 (2012).
Jiang, Qiying, Karen J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Oxygen Permeation Study and Improvement of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2Ox Perovskite Ceramic Membranes.” Journal Articles. Journal of Membrane Science 369, no. 1–2 (2011): 174–81.
Faraji, Sedigheh, Karen J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “A Comparative Study of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2Ox (BSCF) and SrFeCo0.5Ox (SFC) Ceramic Membranes Used for Syngas Production.” Journal Articles. Appl. Catal. B: Environ 99, no. n.1-2 (2010): 118–26.
Roberts, G. W., and Susan Stagg-Williams. Designer Solid Acid Catalysts for Producing Biofuels From Algal Oils. Conference Proceedings. AIChE 2010 National Meeting,</i> Oral Presentation, Salt Lake City, UT, 2010.
Duncan, A. M., A. Ahosseini, R. McHenry, C. D. Depcik, S. M. Stagg-Williams, and A. M. Scurto. High-Pressure Viscosity of Soybean Canola and Coconut Biodiesel. Conference Proceedings. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT, 2010.
Slade, David A., Qiying Jiang, Karen J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “A Comparison of Mixed-Conducting Oxygen-Permeable Membranes for CO2 Reforming.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Today 148, no. 3–4 (2009): 290–97.
Faraji, Sedigheh, Karen J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “The Interaction between SrFeCo0.5Ox Ceramic Membranes and Pt/CeZrO2 during Syngas Production from Methane.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Letters 131 (2009): 114–21.
Slade, David A., Andrew M. Duncan, Karen J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Mixed-Conducting Oxygen Permeable Ceramic Membranes for the Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane.” Journal Articles. Green Chemistry 9 (2007): 577.
Jaumard, Nicolas V., Robert C. Richards, Susan M. Stagg-Williams, and Elizabeth A. Friis. “Synthetic Lumbar Intervertebral Disc for Medical Education.” Journal Articles. Journal of Medical Devices 1 (2007): 212.
Murphy, Sean M., David A. Slade, Karen J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Increasing Oxygen Flux through a Dense Oxygen Permeable Membrane by Photolithographic Patterning of Platinum.” Journal Articles. Journal of Membrane Science 277 (2006): 94.
Jain, Abhishek, Xin Zhao, Shane Kjergaard, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Effect of Aging Time and Calcination on the Preferential Oxidation of CO over Au Supported on Doped Ceria.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Letters 104, no. 3–4 (2005): 191.
Daniels, John J., Andrew R. Arther, Brent L. Lee, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Infrared Spectroscopy Study of CO and CO2 on Ce- and La- Promoted Pt/ZrO2 Catalysts.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Letters 103, no. 3–4 (2005): 169.
Jain, Abhishek, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. Selective CO Oxidation over Au Supported on Mixed Oxides: Effect of Preparation on Activity and Selectivity. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings from the Fuel Cell Topical Conference as Part of the Annual AIChE Meeting, 2004.
Pant, Bakul, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Investigation of the Stability of Pt/LaCoO3 During High Temperature Reforming Reactions.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Communications 5 (2004): 305.
Wang, Wei, Susan M. Stagg-Williams, Fabio B. Noronha, Lisiane V. Mattos, and Fabio B. Passos. “Partial Oxidation and Combined Reforming of Methane on Ce-Promoted Catalysts.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Today 98, no. 4 (2004): 553.
Noronha, F. B., A. Shamsi, C. Taylor, E. C. Fendley, Susan M. Stagg-Williams, and D. E. Resasco. “Catalytic Performance of Pt/ZrO2 and Pt/Ce-ZrO2 Catalysts on CO2 Reforming of CH4 Coupled to Steam Reforming or under High Pressure.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Letters 90, no. 1 (2003): 13.
Stagg-Williams, Susan M., Ricardo Soares, Enrique Romero, Walter E. Alvarez, and Daniel E. Resasco. “Metal-Support Interaction on Pt/ZrO2 Catalysts for the CO2 Reforming of CH4.” Journal Articles. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130 (2000): 3663.
Stagg-Williams, Susan M., E. Romeo, C. Padro, and D. E. Resasco. “Effect of Promotion with Sn on Supported Pt Catalysts for CO2 Reforming of CH4.” Journal Articles. Journal of Catalysis 178 (1998): 137.
Stagg-Williams, Susan M., and D. E. Resasco. “Effects of Promoters on Supported Pt Catalysts for CO2 Reforming of CH4.” Journal Articles. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 119 (1998): 813.
Borgna, Armando, Susan M. Stagg-Williams, and Daniel E. Resasco. “Interference Phenomena in the EXAFS Spectra of Pt-Sn Bimetallic Catalysts.” Journal Articles. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102, no. 26 (1998): 5077.
Stagg-Williams, Susan M., and Daniel E. Resasco. “Effects of Promoters and Supports on Coke Formation on Pt Catalysts During CH4 Reforming with CO2.” Journal Articles. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 111 (1997): 543.
Stagg-Williams, Susan M., C. A. Querini, W. E. Alvarez, and D. E. Resasco. “Isobutane Dehydrogenation on Pt-Sn/SiO2 Catalysts: Effect of Preparation Variables and Regeneration Treatments.” Journal Articles. Journal of Catalysis 168 (1997): 75.
Awards & Honors —
Del Shankel Teaching Excellence Award
KU Athletics
KU Athletics
Agent of Change Award
Metropolitan Energy Center and Kansas City Regional and Central Kansas Clean Cities Coalition.
Metropolitan Energy Center and Kansas City Regional and Central Kansas Clean Cities Coalition.
Henry E. Gould Award for Distinguished Service in Undergraduate Engineering Advising
University of Kansas School of Engineering
University of Kansas School of Engineering
John E. and Winifred E. Sharp Teaching Professorship
University of Kansas School of Engineering
2014 - 2017
University of Kansas School of Engineering
2014 - 2017
Emily Taylor Women’s Resource Center Outstanding Woman Educator Award
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
Steeples Service to Kansans Award
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
Outstanding Educator Award
Mortar Board National Honor Society, University of Kansas
Mortar Board National Honor Society, University of Kansas
Bellows Scholar
University of Kansas School of Engineering
University of Kansas School of Engineering